Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
Tuesday, 16 July 2024


End Date: 21/02/2011

Seminar Notice

SIMTHESys (Structured Infrastructure for Multiformalism modeling and Testing of Heterogeneous formalisms and Extensions for SYStems); speaker Enrico Barbierato (PhD student, supervisors: Prof. A. Bobbio, Dr. M. Gribaudo). Monday Feb 21st, 10.00 to 11.00 Seminar Room


Abstract: SIMTHESys (Structured Infrastructure for Multiformalism modeling and Testing of Heterogeneous formalisms and Extensions for SYStems): is a novel approach to multiformalism compositional modeling, that is based on the possibility of freely specifying the dynamics of the elements of a formal modeling language in an open framework. This is obtained by the application of consolidated metamodeling foundations to the description of models, together with the concept of behavior as a bridge between formalism dynamics and solution techniques. In this seminar the main concepts of the SIMTHESys approach are presented, together with an example of how SIMTHESys works with performance evaluation of multiformalism models.