Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
giovedì, 12 dicembre 2024


Dettagli Pubblicazione
Autori:Paolo Ferragina
Travis Gagie
Giovanni Manzini
Area Scientifica:Text Compression and Indexing
Titolo:Space-Conscious Data Indexing and Compression in a Streaming Model
Apparso su:TR-INF-2008-02-01-UNIPMN
Editore:Computer Science Department, UPO
Tipo Pubblicazione:Technical Report
Sommario:Compressed full-text indexes, data compressors, and streaming algorithms are three powerful tools for dealing with massive datasets. Surprisingly, algorithms for building compressed indexes (or files) are space-inefficient and/or incompatible with a streaming setting. Space-conscious streaming algorithms are crucial because current disk features make sequential disk accesses at least two orders of magnitude faster than random accesses. For the first time in the literature, we investigate string problems in the streaming model and prove upper and lower bounds on the complexity of building compressed indexes and compressing data in terms of the classic product: (internal- memory space) x (number of passes).