Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
Saturday, 27 July 2024


Pubblication Details
Authors:Luigi Portinale
Scientific Area:Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy Reasoning
Knowledge Representation
Title:A Fuzzy Approach to Product Configuration on Standard Databases
Published on:Proc. 11th Int. Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA09), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5883
Tipo Pubblicazione:Paper on Proceedings International Conference
Abstract:In the present paper, we propose an approach to intelligent retrieval and configuration of component-based products, starting from a set of possibly fuzzy user requirements provided at different levels of detail. A conceptual product model is introduced and its use during the configuration process is discussed. The proposed approach exploits a fuzzy generalization of SQL and a bottom-up (from basic to complex components) configuration process that can be implemented on top of a standard RDBMS. The approach is illustrated through a simple example based on a PC assembly task