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Monday, 28 October 2024

Technical Reports

Technical Report Details
Authors:Mario Alviano
Laura Giordano
Daniele Theseider Dupré
Scientific Area:Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Representation
Logic-Based Reasoning
Title:Temporal Many-valued Conditional Logics: a Preliminary Report
Published on:TR-INF-2024-09-01-UNIPMN
Publisher:DiSIT, Computer Science Institute, UPO
Abstract:In this paper we propose a many-valued temporal conditional logic. We start from a many-valued logic with typicality, and extend it with the temporal operators of the Linear Time Temporal Logic (LTL), thus providing a formalism which is able to capture the dynamics of a system, trough strict and defeasible temporal properties. We also consider an instantiation of the formalism for gradual argumentation.