Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
Monday, 31 March 2025


Pubblication Details
Authors:Davide Cerotti
Daniele Codetta Raiteri
Giovanna Dondossola
Lavinia Egidi
Giuliana Franceschinis
Luigi Portinale
Davide Savarro
Roberta Terruggia
Scientific Area:Uncertain Reasoning
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Computer Security
Dependability and Reliability
Title:SecuriDN: a customizable GUI generating cybersecurity models for DER control architectures
Published on:Italian Conference on Cyber Security (ITASEC), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3731
Tipo Pubblicazione:Paper on Proceedings National Conference
Abstract:SecuriDN is a tool for the representation of the assets composing the IT and the OT subsystems of DER (Distributed Energy Resources) control networks and the possible cyberattacks that can threaten them. In this paper the main goals of such tool and its features are described using a simple example.