Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
Monday, 31 March 2025


Pubblication Details
Authors:Lorenzo Capra
Massimiliano De Pierro
Giuliana Franceschinis
Scientific Area:Formal Models
Title:General composition for Symmetric Net arc functions with applications
Published on:TR-INF-2021-05-01-UNIPMN
Publisher:DiSIT, Computer Science Institute, UPO
Tipo Pubblicazione:Technical Report
Abstract:Structural analysis of High-Level Petri Nets is a powerful technique, but it is less supported than in PNs. A symbolic calculus for Symmetric Nets (SNs) has been developed and implemented, which allows one to check structural properties directly on SNs without unfolding: however it is limited to a particular form of composition, restricted to functions that map to sets. To complete the calculus for more general applications the ability to solve the composition of general SN arc expressions in a symbolic way is required. In literature, a few papers show how to solve this operation for a restricted category of SN. In this report, we formalize the algebraic composition of general SN bag-functions. Some applications are also discussed.